Installation, Röstånga Konsthall, Sweden, 2021
Steel sheet, laquer spray paint, pigmented wax, wood, acrylic paint
Various sizes
The installation Skeis-peik is inspired by Röstånga’s old cold storage (ice, corrugated sheet metal) and the nature in its immediate vicinity, as well as by the prismatic boundary spectra – an optical effect that occurs between strong contrasts when looking at an object through a prism (ice crystal).
The installation’s column sculptures are based on the basic structure of ice crystals (hexagonal polygons) and cast in wax – a medium with properties similar to ice, but with a melting point at about 70°. The hexagonal moulds have been filled with ice onto which the wax has been poured. When the mould is removed and the ice has melted, the result is a sculpture that takes its shape from the traces of an absent medium.
The wall sculptures are made of bent steel sheet, inspired by white goods such as fridges and freezers. The contours are derived from leaves of oak and laburnum – trees that grow around the pond next to the cold storage.