❮❮ REW
Daniëlle van Ark—Sara Bjarland—Jessica Breitholtz Björk—Karl Georg Staffan Björk—Wouter Venema
Friday, January 16–Sunday, January 18, 2015, 13:00—17:00, at Het Breed, Amsterdam. This exhibition was made in co-operation with Plan B projects, Amsterdam.
Ever since the beginning of Plan B the studio space as a location for presentations has been a basic element. Although Plan B functions nomadic nowadays, the studio is still an important element from where different connections are being made. Within REW Plan B looks at the studio as a possible presentation location on one hand, while on the other hand it can be a motive for autonomous works.
REW exhibition at Het Breed, Amsterdam. (Click image for gallery)
The installation Korda by KGS Björk will play a central role in REW. The work was commissioned by Plan B and KRETS for the project For the Record in the fall of 2014. Translated as a line segment joining two points on any curve, Korda (chord) formulates a relation between the architecture of the studio in the housing complex Het Breed in Amsterdam and KRETS gallery in Malmö.
After being presented in Malmö Korda moved back to its starting point: the studio. Accompanied by works of invited artists the return of Korda marks the beginning of REW. Against this background REW develops as a studio presentation bringing together works by Daniëlle van Ark, Sara Bjarland, Wouter Venema and Jessica Breitholtz Björk in a new order. Within REW transitions in time and location play a different role, as seen from various viewpoints.
Text by Plan B projects. Flyer design by Manystaff. Exhibition photos by Karl Georg Staffan Björk and Plan B projects.